Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Obsessed Much

At precisely 3:15 this morning, I woke up to James standing on our bed saying something along the lines of, "Santa is bringing me Loki.". Since Saturday, every day James will talk about how Santa is bringing him Loki and/or Hawkeye for Christmas. He's seen the toys in the store (and he has the other Avengers), and has sealed the deal that that is what Santa is getting him. Saturday and Sunday, I don't know how many times we had conversations about it. Or him reminding us of it. He started asking me where they were and I said, "In Santa's toy bag, waiting to come here on Christmas." Now that has been added to our conversations about it. Back to this morning...

He wanted to talk about it. He snuggled right in next to me and mentioned Hawkeye (it's a little fuzzy...). Then the cat came up and was trying to get on my side table which I wouldn't let her, so I got up to put her out in the garage. Usually when James gets in bed with us (which is quite rare), I sleep on the couch so James can sprawl out and Brad can pass out. I got situated on the couch and then after a few minutes I started hearing some crying and Brad talking. Then Brad is taking him back to his bed. I found out later that James still was talking about them. It was raining outside, but I could of swore I kept hearing crying still. If I heard it one more time, I'd go snuggle with him. Heard it, went upstairs and waited outside the door. There was nothing... and there was the semi-sob sound. I walked in and he was trying so hard to hold it in. I got in bed with him and asked him what was wrong. "Daddy is GONE!" I told him to whisper (he shares a room with Gavin and Jack could easily hear him in the next room). I tell him it's okay, I'm with him now. He can't stop crying. This time it's over Loki and Hawkeye. For reals?? We are still on them?? I asked him if we wanted to go to Target and get them later on. He said yes, but still couldn't stop crying. I asked him what was wrong and he said, "Daddy is MAD at me!!" and just starts sobbing. My heart just broke. I scooped him up, planning on going downstairs to let him cry and talk to me and snuggle on the couch. I was surprised (seriously) to find Brad at the end of the hall. I told him what he said, Brad was definitely not mad at him. Seeing Daddy made a big difference and James was able to settle down. He decided we'd sleep in his bed (yay for twin instead of a king!!). After a while he finally drifted off, leaving me a oh-so-tiny portion of the edge of his bed. Oh well. I got a little bit of sleep and got to be with him. It's so nice being around the older two when they sleep. Hardly happens. 

I expected him to sleep in, but when I came down from my shower he was up and about... and happy. Which made my day :) I was baffled by this obsession. He could not stop thinking about Loki and Hawkeye. Luckily we had a discussion while out on our errands that if he got his heroes today, Santa would have nothing to bring him. And wouldn't it be so much more fun to wait till Christmas? He actually liked that idea... so, so far, we haven't had to buy them early. Let's hope he sleeps all night tonight and the talk of those two lessen!

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