Before Gavin turned two, we started teaching him to say he was "two". I think he agreed (yes, agreed, because he is opinionated) a few times. Then it became an argument.
Us: Gavin, how old are you?? Are you two??
Gavin: No! I not two! I EIGHT!
Us: No, Gav, you are two *hold up two fingers* see? You are this many... TWO!
Gavin: Nooo, I eiiiight!
I don't know why he chose the age eight, but it's still going strong. I asked him this morning how old he was and he responded, "I eight! And you four!" Ha, no.
Me: No, I'm twenty-eight!
He was very excited for me to be twenty-eight. He's got a while to go before his age is correct.
I love that he still says he's eight! He cracks me up!