Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cold Night Sky

Last night I had to go drop something off at a friend's house. It was bath time, and James has been freaking out about taking baths, so I brought him with me. He is scared (for some reason) of the water coming out of the spout. He will scream/yell/shriek at us to, "Shut it off!! Daddy/Mommy, SHUT IT OFF!" with giant tears rolling down his face. Crazy. Our first legit fear. Moving on...

We walked to our friend's house and we had a talk about the bath and how we needed the water to come out of the spout so we can have our little baths. I tried my best for the almost-four-year old to get it, but he was too emotional still to comprehend it. We went inside and James started shedding his outside wear to get ready to play. I had told him we weren't staying and reminded him. Well, he didn't like that. So he was pretty emotional again. 

Luckily he calmed down a bit when I held him (he hardly ever gets me to hold him since the other littlies need it more- poor thing) on the way home. He was still a little upset and I was trying to think of something to get his spirits up. It was super chilly last night (winter is coooo-miiiing!) and we could see our breathe. A-ha! I started huffing and blowing air out and showing him how we can see our breathe when it's cold. He loved it. He was giggling and telling me to do it again. He tried, but he was laughing too hard to get anything good. We stopped by a lamp post to get a better view. Then we saw an airplane and its trail overhead. I showed it to him and he asked me where it was going. I said, "I don't know... where is it going? Hmm...". I thought for a clever answer when James pipes up and says, "An airport." Yes, clever boy, an airport is exactly right. 

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