Saturday, July 20, 2013

Story Time

Our new night time habit is James needing story time by himself. Story time as in, we make up stories together. Usually it's a swapping sort of thing. I really love it. It makes me realize how unimaginative I can be, and makes me work harder to make it exciting for him. Here are a few we've had-

-Minka, the Super Cheetah. She is a small cheetah with a heart of gold and the ability to fly and save all her animal friends in need.
- Addie, the Super Bear. A black bear who knows how to fight off the bad guys.
- Super James, with all his super pals- Super Gavin, Super Jack, Super Mommy, Super Daddy, and others. We rescue our fellow family members from endless villains.

There have been others, but those are the highlights. Tonight's was especially awesome. I read him "Five Little Monkeys" and he started talking about how you should hide from crocodiles so they don't snap you up. I asked if he'd be like the little monkey and hide in the leaves and he said no, he'd hide in the bushes. Or the branches. Or the rocks. Or the heavy rocks. And then he introduced a new character... the good dragon would protect him on the rocks. Alright! We're going there now. Then the good dragon had to fight the bad dragon (and of course we had to go over all the colors his scales, horns, claws,and  tail would be). The bad dragon got away so we introduced a good White witch who casts a tracking spell over water to go find him. Once they find the bad dragon (after some more obstacles), bad knights appear! The good knight disappeared and then came back with his armor on to make him strong enough. And then, we came full circle, and a monkey showed up to throw a banana on the bad knight's helmet. Just to be clear, this was mostly James story. I had very little to do with it. He thought he was so funny to bring the monkey back (and it really was). The conversation in the story

Bad knight: Hey! I have a banana on my helmet! Who threw that??
Monkey: It was me! The monkey!
Bad knight: There is a banana on my helmet- that is so yuuuuuuck! Why did you do that?
Monkey: Because you are bad!


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