Thursday, May 23, 2013

Young Love

James has decided he's in love with me. It's quite adorable. There have been several funny interactions. Here are some of the latest.

James: Mommy, we are falling in love
Me: Oh?!?! That's sweet, honey, but I already fell in love with your daddy. You get to fall in love with someone else closer to your age. But we can still love each other!
James: *not buying it*

He was pretending to be Batman and Gavin was Superman. He and Gavin declared, "YOU ARE WONDER WOMAN!!" as they were racing around. James stops, thinks, and says, "No, you aren't! You are woman... my woman!!" I asked if I could be Cat Woman because she is friends with Batman. "No, you are my woman!" Later, I was Cat Woman :)

It's happening less, but there was a time when several times a week he'd ask me to be his princess and dance with him. I told him I'm the queen, so I can't be his princess. Nope. Unacceptable. I'm the princess and we're getting married. He loves the idea of marriage.

On that note, today I've been super busy getting the house and dinner ready for the missionaries to come over. James knew I couldn't play with him, so I heard him talking to Gavin about  them being princes. He then asks Gavin, "Hey Gavin... would you dance with me?" Gavin sullenly says no because he's two and stubborn. James asks, "What will you dance with then?" Gavin says, "Nuffing..." Then James yells (but not too loud), "I just want to get married!!" Bahahahaha! I didn't realize dancing and marriage were basically the same thing! I laughed so hard, so of course he said it again.

James is his mother's child- he is in love with love. He's been like this forever. Always been a love. Always has had a more sensitive heart than others. It's a blessing, for sure, but we'll have to keep our eyes on him once he hits those "fun" teen years...

1 comment:

  1. What handsome Prince's you have Queen Amy! They will be highly sought after by young maidens throughout the land!
