Wednesday, September 19, 2012

More more more

Holy cow, I need to start writing down what the boys are saying every day and write in here every day. They are so cute and funny. Exhausting and energetic... but cute and funny nonetheless.

Jack-jack is officially a walker as of last week. He took his first steps around a month ago, and walking a tiny bit, but last week was a huge leap in walking. He is now 100% walking more than crawling. Barely crawling anymore. He started clapping on Sunday. Um, adorable. Aaaand he waves. So basically, he's not a baby anymore?? No, I won't let that happen. He may be huge and doing little boy things, but he is still my baby.

Gavin is in the throws of the terrible-twos, though I think he is adapting a bit. We still have our worse days, but they aren't every day like they were in the beginning. Thank heavens for that. Oh, man.

James's imagination is amazing right now. He is creating stories and building houses for his toys, he makes robots out of blocks. It is wonderful to see. He is also starting to get his own catch-phrases, for lack of a better description. Cracks. Me. Up.

It's funny- Brad can handle Gavin's little meltdowns and two-ness easy. I can handle Jack's bad days of crying easy. We cannot handle the opposite. Ah, meant for each other :)

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